Analyzing over 3 billion searches, the site specializing in second hand Subito recounts a year, 2022, in which Italians found themselves between the return to normality after the Covid emergency and the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which helped maintain a high feeling of uncertainty, together with the expensive energy and the growth of inflation which have generated strong economic worries. In the second hand sector, this has translated into a consolidation of the second-hand market as a place to look to for sales able to save/earn through a sustainable purchasing path and comparable to the e-commerce experience for security and flexibility. On Subito, over 3 billion searches and 1.6 billion visits to the platform, with more than 13 million unique users, tell a cross-section in which technology plays a leading role. Devices, household appliances, smartphones and wearables in fact constitute one of the hard cores of the second hand in general.
Among the most searched words in general on the platform in 2022 in the top ten we find iPhone. Samsung drops four positions compared to 2021 and Apple, less sought after than Samsung, gains 11 positions. They are, in fact, brands that are automatically connected to the most famous devices of their production, so much so that they become real keywords, demonstrating that the two giants of the sector also maintain their leadership for second-hand products, where in any case there is no shortage of generic searches with Xiaomi (which however loses 38 positions compared to 2021) and Huawei (which gains 21 in 2022). Still analyzing the entire ranking, it is also possible to find searches relating to wearables such as smartwatches, for example, with words such as Apple Watch (which, however, has lost seven positions compared to 2021) and Garmin, products that highlight the attention of Italians monitoring your health.
A separate discussion for gaming, with PlayStation 4 in the lead (in the Top 20 of the most searched words ever) and PlayStation 5, which comes out of the top 20 but gains 3 positions compared to 2021. Nintendo Switch, together with PC gaming, card videos and monitors show not only the interest in consoles but the creation of real gaming stations thanks to the second hand. However, not only digital games: in 2022 pinball machines and turntables were also sought after a lot. And second-hand goods are also given away at Christmas: on Subito there were peaks of use of the platform in November and December, which allow us to attest to the definitive customs clearance of prejudices relating to second-hand. In particular, there was a +23% of transactions in November compared to October, a +62% of transactions with TuttoSubito (which allows you to do business remotely and securely throughout Italy, which grew by +113% from January to November 2022) in the week of November 21-27 compared to the previous week, with a transacted value 8 times higher than the weekly average.