Dresden – Now even Germany’s eco-party is being targeted by climate radicals. You’re not green anymore!
This week a party office of the Greens in Dresden-Striesen was smeared, last week an office in Leipzig-Plagwitz. Windows were also smashed here. State security is investigating.
The window of the office in Striesen was smashed
Photo: Picxell
On Twitter, the group “Heibo Stays” (stands for Heidebogen) confesses to the crime in Dresden. Saxony’s Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (49, Greens) should have prevented the clearing of the forest of the same name, and a gravel opencast mine is to be expanded near Ottendorf-Okrilla.
The climate radicals had occupied the forest for weeks and were cleared by the police. The confessors: “The Greens get nothing from us except hate!”
Saxony’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution to BILD: “It was the declared goal of the left-wing extremists to make the state eviction as expensive as possible and to take revenge.”
Then the secret service explains again: “Although left-wing extremists want to be perceived primarily as allies, they are ultimately concerned with pursuing their original goals, namely overcoming bourgeois society and the capitalist economic order, under the cloak of climate protection.”
The Office for the Protection of the Constitution around President Dirk-Martin Christian (60) also explains that the topic of climate protection is of particular strategic interest for left-wing extremists. “It offers the left-wing extremist scene a high level of connectivity right into the non-extremist spectrum.” There is constant exchange with the other federal and state authorities for the protection of the Constitution.
The Saxony State Criminal Police Office has now taken “appropriate measures” to protect the Green Minister.
Saxony’s Green leader Marie Müser (25) to BILD: “Hate is poison for our democracy. We live in a constitutional state and here you have to recognize what leeway a minister has in the exercise of his office and what leeway he doesn’t.”